Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Federal Background Checks Required for ATM Ownership

Did you know a person cannot own an ATM without submitting to a Federal Background Check and waiting for approval?

In order to be approved a person must have:

1) A credit score greater than 620

2) No OFAC Hits
(“OFAC” is an acronym for the Office of Foreign Assets Control. It is an agency of the United States Department of the Treasury, which administers and enforces the United States’ economic and trade sanctions. The sanctions are levied against hostile countries, terrorists or terrorist-driven organizations, drug traffickers who operate internationally, and individuals and groups involved in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.)

3) No Bankruptcy (personal or business) in the last 3 years

4) No open/unpaid tax liens or judgments (personal or business)

5) No Felonies (financial crimes or violent crimes) – Financial crimes may include money laundering, embezzlement, racketeering, etc. Violent crimes may include murder, felony assault and crimes of a sexual nature.

Photo via Cardtronics.com